Disturbing Star story: Cops seek man after … BOYS USED AS SEX SLAVES

The following story appeared in the Star News today march 18th human trafficking has been becoming an issue here is Jamaica but to now see it show up on the grounds of paedophilia or ephebophilia is very disturbing. The problem with articles like this although written far better than some we have seen from the publication is that the public walks away with the same old notion as developed and fed by tabloids that male homosexuality is mostly predatory in nature and that men go after boys for inappropriate sexual contact, the publications and by extension the Jamaican LGBT advocates do not stop to put the issues into proper context and also ask if any psychiatric evaluations are done on both the victim(s) and alleged perpetrator(s) to determine what is really happening in the respective cases. In essence another reason is put forward here to justify that battyman fi dead in other words.

If the story is true as we have doubted previous stories from this and other tabloids then we have a serious issue here and maybe we as LGBT people have to be vigilant to put a stop to other men who engage in paedophilia or ephebophilia only for the strong homo negative backlash to hit us due to their actions. We may have to begin to literally hand over or point out those who are proven to be involved in these inappropriate acts with underage boys. I hope the investigations are properly done and the necessary psychiatric interventions done for the boys involved, my heart bleeds to read stories like this.

One thing is bothering me regarding the story is that the age of boys involved was not said which makes it harder to determine if we are dealing with paedophilia or ephebophilia which are different issues based on the age of the victims.

see also:  The Homo-Negativity Surrounding Paedophilia …….

Have a read of the story and determine the issues for yourself.

Paula Gordon and Sheldon Williams, Star Writers

The police are now seeking a man believed to be the mastermind behind the trafficking of young boys into a sex trade throughout the Corporate Area.

Information reaching THE WEEKEND STAR is that the man operates under the disguise of being a good Samaritan who expresses interest in assisting underprivileged and displaced boys, but his true intentions are later displayed when he introduces the boys to other men for sex.

underage males

Sergeant Troy Irons from the New Kingston Police Post said that the man is responsible for trafficking underage males from several sections of the island. “He rents apartments and put up persons, mostly young males, depressed youths, people who want things,” he said.

The man is believed to rent about two apartments at a time. It is alleged that at least five boys are housed in each.

Irons divulged that an operation was carried out recently at one of the apartments located in the Corporate Area. However, when the police reached the location, the man had already fled the scene. After a search of the premises only one young male was found. He was taken in for questioning by the police.

THE WEEKEND STAR also understands that the man is also wanted for larceny from a dwelling.

stolen items

Allegations are that on October 1 a report was made that he had stolen several items from one of the apartments rented to him. “When he is leaving he takes small appliances from the dwellings,” Irons remarked.

The man is believed to frequent the areas of New Kingston, Montego Bay, Old Harbour and May Pen.

A source who claimed to have heard about the practices of the man expressed his disgust to the WEEKEND STAR.

“The man look bout the likkle bwoy dem … the boy nasty yuh see man. Me seh anytime me hole him yuh see … anytime me hole him is a day like today,” the source commented.

Just recently, a group of law students of the University Of the West Indies urged local authorities to give more focus on human trafficking in Jamaica.

David Brown, chairman of logistics for the human-trafficking committee at the institution, had said the issue of human trafficking is not given the attention it deserves and more should be done to address the issue.

As a result, a number of students from the faculty took to the street last week Thursday, armed with placards and banners, sending messages that persons should discontinue the act.


Ephebophilia vs Paedophilia & Male Homosexuality

Ephebophilia or hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for adolescents around 15-19 years of age. Experts use specific terms for age preferences: ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for late adolescents, hebephilia to refer the sexual preference for pubescent persons, and pedophilia to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent persons. The term pedophilia, however, has also been used colloquially to refer broadly to sexual interest in minors, regardless of their level of physical development.

Ephebophilia is not listed as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), unlike pedophilia, which is categorized as a disorder in the manual.

Pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.According to the DSM, pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse.

Nicholas Groth is a pioneer in the scientific study of sexual offenders against women and children, who has treated over 3000 child molesters over the course of two decades. A former director of the Sex Offender Program at the Connecticut Department of Corrections, Groth is the author of Men Who Rape: Psychology of the Offender, a work widely regarded as a classic textbook on the psychology of sexual violence.

He concurred in a recent debate on homosexuality vs paedophilia that Homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia are not synonymous. In fact, it may be that these two orientations are mutually exclusive, the reason being that the homosexual male is sexually attracted to masculine qualities whereas the heterosexual male is sexually attracted to feminine characteristics, and the sexually immature child’s qualities are more feminine than masculine. . . . The child offender who is attracted to and engaged in adult sexual relationships is heterosexual. It appears, therefore, that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater sexual risk to underage children than does the adult homosexual male.

Peace and tolerance


Gay men attacked in St. Lucia issue statement

the statement in full:

(from left) Nick Smith and Michael Baker

Statement from Todd Wiggins, Michael Baker and Nick Smith

Re: Updated Statement regarding the Attack and Robbery in St. Lucia on March 2, 2011

March 15, 2011

The three of us have watched this story take on a life of its own and become more widely reported. Many of the reports have contained inaccuracies. We are each attempting to move on with life and would like to regain a sense of normalcy and personal safety. Instead of fielding the many calls for individual interviews, we have decided to submit respectfully the following statement for use by the news media, provided that proper credit is given in the report.

For clarification:

• Todd Wiggins and his partner, Tom Richman, had rented the cabin in St. Lucia, at which the attack took place, since November 2010. They were known in the local community, had numerous friends there, and Todd was volunteering at the local primary school weekly. Tom was in the U.S. on a business trip at the time of the attack.

• Based on statements made by the attackers, we believe that some of the intruders knew Todd.

• We have not speculated on the motive of the crime, but strong anti-gay, anti-White and anti-American language was used repeatedly during the crime. The attackers asserted that if we confirmed we were gay, they would kill us. They also alleged that they had friends within the police department, would know if we reported the crime and would kill us if we did so, which elevated our concern with reporting the crime.

• A camera, two Mac laptop computers, a watch and several thousand dollars were taken by the attackers, with a total value over $10,000 US. The St. Lucian police reported erroneously that $1,800 was the value stolen. Also taken that night were Todd’s passport, credit cards, and miscellaneous items which had been in a safe along with cash and Nick’s watch.

The passport and other personal items (not the cash or watch) were delivered to the police the next morning. Among the items returned was a “preferred membership card” (that did not belong to Todd) from a local St. Lucian clothing store. The police could not explain how the items were returned and have not investigated further to determine the owner of the membership card.

• Todd and Michael were treated for head lacerations and received stitches the night of the attack. Michael was diagnosed with a concussion after a follow-up examination at Emory Hospital in Atlanta on Friday, March 4.

• The police response seemed slow and unfocused, and it is possible that time may have been lost in pursuing the criminals.

• On Thursday, March 3, 2011, Todd was contacted by the Ministry of Tourism who helped facilitate, along with Delta Air Lines, our return to Atlanta. We remain grateful for the assistance of Delta Air Lines and the Ministry of Tourism for this assistance.

• The Foreign Minister of St. Lucia, Rufus Bousquet, has made insensitive remarks and allegations publicly about us and the incident. The St. Lucia police have also publicly reported that our items have been returned and that two of the five men have been arrested. Todd confirmed with the investigating officer in St. Lucia on Monday, March 14 that neither of these claims is true.

• We have submitted written statements of the attack to U.S. Representative John Lewis (GA-District 5), the U.S. Embassy in Barbados, and the U.S. State Department.

It is our hope that this crime will be investigated properly by the government of St. Lucia. We also hope that because of this investigation and ultimate findings that the island of St. Lucia will become a safer place for all people to visit and enjoy. We retain an affection for the many friends we made during our time on St. Lucia and hope that those guilty of this crime will be brought to justice so that no one else will suffer a similar attack.

Todd Wiggins, Michael Baker and Nick Smith


Lesbian Identified Bisexual ………oh those labels

So the labels become more intertwined as we struggle to free ourselves while gaining recognition for who we are, a debate now rages in certain parts of the blogosphere and social network sites leaning towards bisexuals about the above captioned “label” which could be interpreted as a bisexual female who identifies as lesbian mostly to other lesbians or lgbt people probably our of fear or rejection or having to explain who she is to others who are strident in their own “gayness”
Some of the comments from the debate which I took the liberty of copying for this post suggest persons are confused or at best trying to come to terms with the description given that bisexuals get a bad rap already just from “invisibility” faced even while grouped under the LGBT rights/activism banner.
Some comments include:

“I know people who are “Straight-identified Bisexuals” and straight women who call themselves “Women-identified” and in many cases to make it clearer the phrase “Bi-identified LGBT Activist” is used. I guess it depends on the context and the intent.”

“I see no problem with a lesbian-id’d or straight-id’d bisexual person. I think it’s more forthright of a description, certainly is more detailed and honest, to me.”

“I totally own this label, even though I am now married to a man. For me, it means that I am more into women and I identify a lot with lesbian culture.”
” If someone is embarrassed about the state of the bisexual community then instead of hiding their personal identity they should help make it safer for people to identify as bi. The act of closeting one’s identity reinforces the idea that on some level it really is something that ought to be hidden. This really is an area where, as a bisexual person, one is either part of the problem or part of the solution. I would venture that, proportionally, there are more closeted bi people than closeted lesbian, gay, or trans folks. When I came out it was partially a personal decision and partially a political one. In today’s America, anyone’s coming out is more or less the same in that way. There is a lot of internalized biphobia and it is related to, but distinct from, internalized homophobia. As a community internalized biphobia (as a separate issue from internalized homophobia) is something we need to be having a lot more conversations about”
“For what its worth-my own identification with the bisexual label, or any label I have chosen for myself over the years, has always made me look away from orientation and more towards one’s character rather than their category. The label only tells a small part the story. Not necessarily a popular view but still unique for those who choose to look it at that way.”


“they’re calling themselves lesbian only to later come out bi in close personal conversations and request that it be kept secret.”
“I know a couple of women who use this term to mean that they have had and would be open to future relationships/attractions towards men but they are primarily attracted to and date women. In fact, these 2 women, tend to use the term “lesbian identified bisexuals” when talking with bisexuals (I guess to denote where on the spectrum they fall). In mixed/un-known company, they use bisexual. I guess I’d have to evaluate the person using the title to know what they mean by using that term.”

Sadly even in the gay community we give bisexuals a bad rap and many do fear coming out or disclosing that they prefer both sexes in fear of being vilified as confused or even described as nymphomaniac and unable to be satisfied as we gays cage them in our homo normative world.
As one comment above states we reinforce the biphobia and invisibility problem when we condemn our brothers and sisters who go both ways, another problem in the Jamaican GLBTQI advocacy context is that bisexuality is ever hardly discussed thus the advocates commit biphobia by default and thus our inability to handle even homophobic issues when all are tied together and then we wonder about the downlow?
Identifying as Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual or Queer simply means that you were born with the capacity to be attracted to people regardless of someone’s sexual or gender identity.

It does not define either one’s lifestyle or sexual behavior. It does not mean you are promiscuous, a fence-sitter, a slut, a nympho, in the closet, unable to commit, trying to claim heterosexual privileges or whatever. Bisexual and pansexual people can monogamous or abstinent. They may have multiple sexual partners or be married/partnered for life. In other words, lives of bisexual/pansexual people are pretty much identical as those who identify as lesbian, straight or gay except that you have the capacity to like people of more than one gender.

Being bisexual/pansexual is part of who you are, of what makes you”uniquely you”, but it does not dictate that you must then follow the crowd or what some people say about how “people like you” should live your life.

Many pansexual/bisexual people may have one committed relationship that lasts for decades while others may have many different kinds of relationships with different people. Some bisexual/pansexual people have no sexual relationships or they may have relationships with people of only one gender; yet, they still consider themselves to be bisexual/pansexual. On the other hand many people may have relationships with people of their own and the other gender, and yet they self-identify as Gay, Lesbian or Straight.

Also don’t worry about not knowing for sure right away. Sexuality and self-knowledge develops over time, and you should feel no pressure to identify in any particular way to please other people. Follow your own heart, it all comes down to what makes you feel most comfortable and what you perceive yourself to be.

Coming to terms with your bisexuality can be difficult. However, lots of people have difficulty learning to like themselves, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Some people also have difficulty understanding bisexuality, and some bisexual people may try to hide their bisexuality. In an effort to numb the effects of societal stigma, people may turn to drugs and alcohol and may even attempt suicide because their situation seems unbearable. However the vast majority of other bisexual people – just like you – lead successful, happy lives and you can too.

It helps to be informed and to know that you aren’t alone. Read about bisexuality. Learn what it means to be bisexual. Make an effort to meet other bisexuals – they can be a valuable resource to build your self-confidence.

Just remember that there are lots bisexual people wherever you are. Sooner or later you will meet someone who feels some of the same things you do and has had similar experiences. Realizing that you are not the only bisexual person will make liking yourself a lot easier.

Peace and tolerance
(excerpts taken from BiNet USA) or here

Mob attacks “Loving Men” in Mandeville

Just as we are looking at the profiling and stereotyping issues to do with lesbians in particular butch lesbians and their problems with increased abuse both verbally and physically now comes this incident purely from same sex attraction displayed in public, if the story is to be believed. Jamaican gays of course have learnt over time that displays of affection in public are a no no as it would lead to precisely what this headline speaks to.

Here is the Star News story:

Mob Attacks ‘Loving Men”

Police had to rescue two men from an angry mob in Mandeville, Manchester, on Saturday, after they were seen in a section of the town, walking, holding hands and hugging.

Information reaching THE STAR is that the incident took place about 7 p.m. after both men were seen caressing each other in a popular fast-food restaurant. Their public show of affection reportedly garnered the attention of a mob.

“Dem get some lick,” an alleged witness remarked as he spoke to THE STAR about the incident.

“Dem come inna di food place and a hug up. After them leave out some people see wha a gwaan and rush dem and dem start beg fi dem life,” another alleged witness explained.

THE STAR understands that after the men left a fast-food outlet, and were walking down a road they were observed acting effeminately and showing affection which disgusted a crowd which had gathered to verbally assault them.

“Dem walk like woman and talk like woman, inna some tight clothes,” another alleged witness emphasised.


hurling obstacles

It is understood that the men reportedly stopped and began arguing with the crowd, which then became hostile and began running towards them while hurling obstacles.

The men reportedly ran towards another food outlet in the area where they sought refuge from the crowd which had grown in numbers. The employees of the bakery had to act swiftly to close the doors of the establishment as the crowd converged and surrounded the building demanding the release of the men.

The Mandeville police were alerted and came to the assistance of the men, who were later taken to the police station for protection.

However, the crowd, apparently not satisfied, followed the police to the station and urged them to release the men in their custody for ‘punishment’.

The police, it is understood, relocated the men to the back of the station where they remained until the crowd had dispersed.

The Area Three police confirmed the incident and explained that no one was charged following the attack on the men.


Such are our problems here.

Take a look at the post from GLBTQ Jamaica (Blogger) on the other side of violence and stigma towards the butch dynamic of mystique facing our same sex attracted and bisexual women who present as such in public.

The Butch Dynamic/mystique becoming a problem?

In recent months we have been watching a steady stream of discussions, opinions and complains locally from varying quarters in the lesbian and bisexual women communities chief among them are the increased reports of abuse verbally, stigmatization, profiling and otherwise towards women who present aesthetically as masculine which all of a sudden has become a problem for some men in Jamaica. Same sex attracted women never had so many problems navigating sexuality in this complex society now there are issues of clothing stores refusing to sell a woman a pair of male jeans within the last week this kind of open discrimination was unheard of before. Is this a result of the moves towards full metrosexualism in Jamaican men? when a popular dancehall DJ can openly defend skin bleaching and full body tattooing which was once relagated to gays in years gone by the change is rather rapid and dramatic, the same DJ as in Vybz Kartel commented at a recent lecture on the University of the West Indies campus what was taboo will soon become widely accepted. One wonders if he contemplated that homosexuality will be in that mix?

Butch-Femme net http://butch-femme.net/Butch/BF/ says:
“To the mainstream dyke world, Butches are often seen as “men” or as selling out to the enemy. Butch energy is often read as male energy because it is closer to what we consider male energy than it is what we consider female energy. We are sometimes seen as oppressors of Femmes who they see as “tools of the heterosexual patriarchy” because they are feminine and often don all the feminine accouterments such as makeup, long fingernails, and high heels.”
The butch-femme dynamic is well known among lesbians. The most well known combination is a butch with a femme, although it’s not impossible for a butch to be with another butch, or a femme to be with another femme.

Let’s continue to watch the trends, fortunately the men were rescued by the police and taken to the safety of the police precinct. This also goes to show that we are eons away from reaching real tolerance why would two men holding hands or being intimate in public drive persons to become so vile? one wonders if it is really towards hating homosexuals or persons are just seeking some perceived weaker group in society to vent whatever anger thats pent up inside.

Peace and tolerance



Getting The Balance Right: Gender Equality Is Common Sense

Olivia Grange, Guest Columnist, Minister of Youth, Sport & Culture

You can tell a great deal about a country by the way it treats its women and children. The status that they occupy in the hierarchy of the society is usually a good indicator of whether the country is progressive or backward, oppressive or caring. What can we say about Jamaica?

The recent complaint by a young exotic dancer that she was gang-raped, allegedly by five policemen, has caused the nation to reflect on its gender relations. The allegations – though yet to be proved – have brought into focus the treatment of women in this country.

Over the years, Jamaica has made progress at lifting the status of women and girls. Nationally, we have accepted the principle of gender equality and the need to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls. By and large, ours is a society in which a young girl feels free to make her choices and to live as a liberated, confident woman.

Gender equality is still years away. In fact, no country has yet achieved it. Women are still a minority in politics and in company boardrooms. However, Jamaica has made significant progress in the process of gender equality through a partnership involving women’s groups, non-governmental organisations, government and the many enlightened brothers who realised that none is free until all is free; and that there will not be harmony until basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to sex.

Upholding each other’s human rights

As a nation, we have put much effort into advancing the status of women and girls. We must be similarly zealous at protecting the progress made and upholding each other’s human rights. We are our sister’s and our brother’s keeper.

While we are not in a position to pronounce a verdict in the case of the young exotic dancer from St Catherine, the allegations have shocked us as a people. We are rightly concerned and disturbed by them. It is imperative that there is a speedy investigation and that justice is done.

Violence against women and girls is of critical concern. It is a human-rights violation. We are serious about ending gender-based violence; and we have made strong efforts to address the problem through initiatives designed to increase knowledge and understanding of the root causes of gender-based violence. The initiatives include workshops, seminars, public addresses and discussions in the media targeting schools, communities, churches, select groupings and the general public.

Additionally, we have been working towards eliminating gender-based violence through policy development and implementation, as well as legal reform. We are reviewing legislation to ensure that they give adequate protection to women and girls; and we are also training and sensitising stakeholders in the justice system, including magistrates, about critical gender issues.

Jamaica joined the rest of the world in observing the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on March 8. We launched the National Gender Policy which sets out the framework for gender equality in Jamaica. The policy addresses critical gender-inequality issues and seeks to address systemic imbalances facing both men and women.

The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture is also focusing on a policy to address sexual harassment, especially at the workplace. The Sexual Harassment Policy being drafted will pave the way for the legislation on sexual harassment. As part of the policy-development process, the ministry, through the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, is embarking on a campaign to sensitise the public on sexual harassment, which is usually a subtle but persistent form of gender-based violence that affects both men and women. Several public-sector and private-sector employees have received training in the issues involved in sexual harassment to enable them to identify it, prevent it from happening, and assist employers and human resource managers to develop policies and guidelines for their organisations.

The ministry also provides financial and technical support to select women’s and men’s organisations such as the Women’s Crisis Centre and Fathers Inc, which work to provide a safe environment for women.

Outdated and discredited beliefs and practices are at the heart of the wide range of human-rights violations that women face. We know that culture and behaviour change cannot be achieved without the full involvement of our men and boys. In this regard, we are committed to the integral involvement of men and boys in the design, implementation and delivery of gender-sensitive programmes.

Male Mentorship Programmes

Last year, we launched the Male Action Groups in Communities and the Male Mentorship Programme in Schools as part of our strategy to challenge all harmful cultural practices and to encourage those practices which will enhance positive development.

We cannot lose the fight to end gender-based violence. It is ultimately the job of governments to address gender inequality and the low status accorded to women. However, all of us must work to eliminate this multi-faceted problem which affects all ages, ethnicities and all groups right across society. The progress we have made so far has come about as a result of our working together.

Together, we will achieve gender equality, the state when our rights, responsibilities and opportunities are not determined by the fact that we were born male or female. Can anyone seriously doubt that the world will be a happier place when we achieve this? It is the common-sense thing to do.

Olivia Grange is the minister with responsibility for women and gender affairs.

Jamaica Gleaner Company