Miss World (LGBT) 2010 a quick look

Miss World (LGBT) 2010 Trophy

Saturday November 27th through to the late morning on Sunday was never the same at Club Heavens as the Miss World contest slowly went on until a surprise winner was announced as Miss Jamaica Miley “Lipgloss Cryrus.

Things got off to a slow start as usual for Club Heavens as patrons have an annoying habit of arriving very late sometimes 3am in the morning to party. The seven judges at 3:47am Sunday morning took their seats in front the simply decorated stage which was not well lit but it served non the less. The DJs including yours truly were warming up the early patrons while the ladies were getting ready in the dressing room upstairs. Club Manager and long time organiser for the event going on its seventh season took the microphone and launched the proceedings. The contestants paraded to Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman” in relatively attractive pieces but it was hair and makeup that set the real divas from circus clowns as Miss Nigeria shone with her #60 base face powder touched with a light shade of red lipstick and perfectly done blue eyeshadow. Her closest competition in that category was Miss Jamaica whose darker complexion worked well with her Farrah Fawcett flipped wig perfectly perched atop her head. Her makeup was done smoothly as well as makeup artist Kookie Balenciaga saw to the girls’ eclectic looks while some contestants added their own embellishments.

The talent section was where the real showdown was to happen as Miss Jamaica proved herself by performing a newsroom piece complete with props that of a chair, a microphone and a pair of studious looking glasses. She infused humour in her piece by incorporating the suss/gossip element hinting to friends present at the function much to the delite of the audience as laughter erupted during her set. Other contestants performed traditional Jamaican dialect pieces and Miss USA performed a song live.

Top contestants/scores as per calculations following judges deliberations

Miss Jamaica – 756 points

Miss Nigeria – 543 points

Miss Dominica Republic – 430 points

Miss Argentina – 454 points

Miss USA – 356


The show overall was clearly too long and looked disorganised at some junctions as Master of Ceremonies Macey Grey had some difficulty getting the announced contestant to be on stage on time after three or more calls over the mic. The long-standing problem of audio trouble reared its ugly head again several times during the show and was distracting as microphone failure was a repeated problem. The audience became restless at points during the show as outside noise interference from talking patrons interrupted the flow, the drag performances in between were too long. While we can appreciate that Club Heavens has set itself apart as the drag impersonation entertainment spot more needs to be done by the Management to tighten up logistics and performance schedules plus time spent on stage by any particular group or person, they need to avoid the audience’s drifting as the goal is to entertain not bore paying patrons to death.

Other positives:

Miss Nigeria being the crowd favourite was gracious in knowing she was placed second as both winner and runner-up embraced with big smiles which was welcomed by the audience. Sponsorship was very heavy this year as public and private individuals came forward. There was some limited international media coverage from a French photographer of the show and Macey Grey in particular as the limited photo policy does not allow documenting in digital mediums of any patron unless by consent. The event overall ended hyped as the music selections removed the sluggishness that had set in due to the length of the show. The major irony of this is that the winner and runner ups were members of the homeless MSM group often written about by me on this blog and on my other two blogs on blogger, good to see that there are avenues that can help the men find ways to occupy their time while utilizing their creativity as many had written them off as trouble makers and undeserving of any meaningful rehabilitation assistance.

All in all Miss World (LGBT) 2010 was a moderate success and here’s hoping the organizers are able to bring the 2011 edition harder and fiercer.

Peace and tolerance


Author: GLBTQ Jamaica Moderator

Activist and concerned gay man in Jamaica with over 19 years experience in advocacy and HIV/AIDS prevention work, LGBT DJ since 1996.

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